4 ways dance will get you fit and healthy in 2014



Its halfway through 2014 and most of our new years resolutions about getting fit and healthy are all but out the window. Winter is not usually an easy time of year as the cold influences a lot of people to stay at home and hibernate.  But if you still have thoughts about living a healthier lifestyle and getting fit then there is a solution for you.

Many people do want to get in better shape and increase their levels of overall health and fitness however they lack the motivation and passion to get to the gym and run on a treadmill or lift weights. If this sounds like you then I invite you to consider dance as an alternative fitness activity. Here are 4 reasons why:


1. Dance is fun. If moving your body in sync with your favourite tunes sounds like an appealing way to exercise then dance is for you. Research has shown that listening to music while you exercise increases endurance by up to 15%. This phenomenon occurs because the music distracts your brain thus allowing your body to work out and get the job done with minimal interruptions.

2. Dance builds discipline. Discipline is, in my opinion one of the most important attributes that any person must have in order to succeed in pretty much anything. Whether it be playing basketball or cooking or riding a bicycle, without discipline your efforts are inefficient and most of the time, not up to par. The good news is, discipline can be taught and cultivated. By committing to a plan of action and following through with it, your brain slowly recognizes that you’re serious about getting your act together and week by week the tasks you have to do become easier and easier until they become second nature. This also has a positive flow on effect to other areas in your life so bite the bullet and commit to being disciplined.

3. Dance is social. Exercise is a lot more fun when you have people exercising alongside you. Not only can you feed off each other’s energy and push each other to succeed, you can also develop friendships that extend outside of dance and further build your social circle.

4. Dance builds self-confidence. By continually working towards and achieving small goals you build up a list of accomplishments that prove to yourself that you’re capable of doing anything you set your mind to. This in turn strengthens your resolve and your self-confidence increases. The best part of this is that your new self-confidence will circulate to other areas in your life including work, relationships and other chosen activities.


Learning to dance is in my opinion one of the most rewarding skills that anybody can undertake. The skills I’ve learnt, the personal growth I’ve had and the friendships I’ve made are all priceless to me. If you’re anything like me and love music then I implore you to find a good dance academy and commit to a term to see where it takes you.

If you live in Perth, I would recommend checking out the Cipher Dance Academy. Specializing in hip hop styles of dance, CDA offers kids and adult classes in hip hop / urban choreography, breakdancing and popping. Their class hierarchy and lesson structure ensures that students have a clear path to proceed from a beginner level through to an advanced stage. All of their staff are helpful and friendly and the vibe of the classes are fun while maintaining a high level of work ethic. They also regularly offer specials and incentives to get started so go to www.thecipher.com.au and begin your dance journey today!

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